Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Moving Forward with Cancer

I apologize for being long overdue in writing a post about Dad.  Life got a little crazy for me and it was hard to have a minute to sit down and write a post-- (side note:  having four kids is a lot of work).

SO--- a lot has been going on recently.  About a month or so ago, Dad went in for his scan results which he received at the end of his chemo round.  This is the same round of chemo that he was getting over Christmas and through the New Year-- I think most of you knew that he was on chemo because they found a few spots.

The results of the scans were kind of good news/bad news.  Good news first (because frankly, who wants to get to the bad stuff right away?)... the chemotherapy was effective on the spots that were there and which started him going on the chemo.  This was great news.  So, the bad news is that the cancer popped up somewhere else and not in one of the best of areas.  Therefore, he stopped his latest chemo and has been started on a new treatment plan.
 TREATMENT:  So, because cancer SUCKS, and doesn't like to stay away apparently, the same drugs don't work the same for everyone and they also don't work the same for each type of cancer or each area the cancer spread.   This really is the frustrating part of CANCER.  It's just so subjective and such a wide range.  Dad has started on a trial that involves several stages -- though I am not sure of all the details on this entire process, we are excited that this particular chemo drug works with Dad's own immune system.  It uses his own immune system to help fight the cancer cells instead of poisoning him (basically).  Since the typical Esophageal Cancer patient is usually older, in not as good physical health and has poor eating/drinking habits, this could be really great for Dad's treatment.  So, there are lots of possibilities here.
Where we are at:  With most cancers, when it comes back it will probably continue to come back.  It's crappy, but people often live with cancer for many, many years and it's more about maintenance, prevention and controlling what is left in one's body.  That's where we are at.   With the new treatment plan, we hope there is success in keeping it all at bay.  

I want everyone to know that right this minute, Dad is FINE!!  He is still not on any sort of drug that is going to make him grow hair or lose hair (hehehe).  He goes to work everyday and continues, loves and excels in his church calling as well as being a pretty amazing Dad and Papa.  It's surreal to think that he even has cancer, because he is just his same old self.  On occasion he gets a bit tired, but I am willing to bet I am more tired than he is these days... just sayin'.  I asked him a few weeks back if he thought that maybe the doctors were lying to him and perhaps it is some kind of conspiracy theory and he doesn't have cancer at all.. because he doesn't seem to have cancer to me.  Of course, he gave me that look of, "Erin, you seem like an intelligent person, but you say the stupidest stuff".  Whatever.  Point is, HE IS DOING GOOD.  We will just continue to do whatever we can do and try not to worry about the things that are out of our control.  His doctors' always say, "Mr. M, you are are unremarkable" (which is hilarious) "you are in excellent health, except for the cancer".

Our family is so blessed and we are incredibly grateful to all who think of us and pray for us.  Thank you.