Monday, November 15, 2010

Maybe it wasn't about the cancer....

Let me start by telling you all that three or four years ago my dad tried to get a heart stress test done because he had some pretty strong family history of heart problems and wanted to make sure his own heart was doing ok.  Well, insurance would not cover the test because he did not have a medical need for it.  That was then....

Since Dad has had cancer... he seems to be in "medical need" for every test known to man!!!  This would include the heart stress test.  So a few weeks ago he had the test performed and it showed some abnormalities so they wanted him to have another test done.  This test pumped a fluid into him that allowed them to see the heart and how it was pumping and was able to show them all the veins and arteries surrounding the heart.  We honestly didn't expect them to find anything of consequence, but given the strong family history, it was an important test to have done.

Well, they did find something... they found that a main artery that pumped blood to the entire left side of Dad's heart showed a significant blockage.  They said that without fixing this, he would surely eventually have a major heart attack which he would probably not live through.  

So, the very next day (last Wednesday), he went in and they put a stent where the blockage was.  It was actually a pretty minor procedure.  They insert the stent and a camera through his inner thigh and up to his heart... it's kind of incredible... Dad was actually awake during the procedure.  They said the blockage was more significant than they had thought so it was good he got it taken care of right away. He had to stay in the hospital overnight just so they could monitor him because of the blood thinners he needed to be on, but was released early the next morning and there was absolutely no recovery needed.

This was an incredible surprise, miracle, shock, blessing, and I am not sure what other feelings this all brought on, but we are so glad that it was something that was caught and taken care of quickly and easily.  It also brought some frustration that Dad was a bit of a ticking time bomb and a frustration that our insurance companies don't seem willing to fund preventative testing that would keep all of us healthier and catch more problems earlier on.

This also brings on the thought of what a miraculous recovery Dad had from the cancer and surgery, that maybe it wasn't about the cancer... maybe cancer is what saved Dad's life.


  1. That is AMAZING! Phew! Thank goodness he fought so hard for that test!

  2. Oh boy. I check this blog almost every day hoping not to see anything. When there is something, it is usually accompanied by amazing news. Hang in there, Uncle Bill!
    Love, Jim

  3. Wow. Bishop McP, you continue to amaze. Glad you are on the mend.

  4. wow, that is so great it was caught and taken care of! Don't even get me started on insurance. Insurance is so ridiculous but so glad he's ok!

  5. SO glad this was caught before anything terrible happened! And don't get me started on the insurance thing...

    You folks are definitely in my prayers.
