Monday, May 10, 2010

Good News Keeps on Comin'!

Just a quick post to inform everyone that the PET scan and CT both came back and showed remarkable results.  The cancer is not found at all.  There is a little thickening in the wall of the esophagus, but no actual cancer.  This is amazing and wonderful news to receive.  

You may be wondering, like I had been, why one would still do surgery when the scans are clear.  Well, the chances of this particular cancer returning to the same location is quite high... I think my dad said 50-75%.  And if for some reason we didn't do the surgery and the cancer did come back, the surgery that would need to be performed would be much more involved and difficult to recover from.  Plus, I'm sure it would be hard to get over choosing not to do the surgery and then have it come back with a less than positive outcome.  So, we go with what gives Dad the best odds... surgery.

We are getting all ready for surgery on Wednesday.  Tomorrow Dad meets with the surgeon to figure out how involved the surgery will be.  I must be kind of sick or something, because I am actually looking forward to Wednesday.  You see, it will be the first time our little family (all kids plus parents) go somewhere together without spouses or children.  It will be like old times, except you know, we will be dropping Dad off to get hacked open....  I mean, for him to receive a procedure to ensure his continued health :).  MD Anderson has lots of puzzles all around so I am eager to get my hands on a few of those, plus I have so little quiet time that I have a whole list of things I want to work on while waiting in the hospital.  I know what you are thinking... I AM sick.  Well, it's true, but honestly we are all a little nervous, but mostly eager to get this thing dealt with.  Good news keep on comin'!  We love it!

I'll post tomorrow to let you know surgery details.


  1. What a blessing! Thanks for sharing this great news.

  2. YEAH!!! That's great news! Here's to keeping him cancer free!

  3. Best news we could have hoped for! Love You All!

  4. Wahoo! I am actually doing the Toyota leap! We will be keeping our prayers and positive energy aimed in your direction.

  5. Great great news indeed! Good luck everyone! We'll be praying for you.

  6. Awesome! You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers!! We love you.
