Thursday, May 13, 2010

Has anyone seen SUPERMAN lately?

Probably not many of you because he is busy flying laps around MD Anderson hallways!  Dad is doing great!  He has been managing his pain so far and is moving quickly... much faster than the other patients there.  Doctors and nurses both have been in awe at how well he is doing a day out of surgery.  One nurse said, "wow, your dad must be in awesome shape to be doing so well post surgery". 
Dad is superman!!  He really is.  He is doing much more than we would have dreamed so far.  He still has the epidural to control his pain, so things are still in very early stages so it's hard to gauge how well he will do after he is off the epidural;  However, what an awesome start!  Keep it up Dad, do what your able, but we are so proud of you. 


  1. Congrats Bill....I agree with are Superman!

  2. No neon green Swiffer slippers for Superman while he cruises the MED/SURG ICU? Probably for the best. He'll want to mix it up tomorrow to keep the nurses on their toes.

  3. Glad to hear things are going so well!!! You'll be out of there in no time!!!

  4. great news!! thanks for the updates. let me know if i can take kids, make dinner, etc.

    keep up the good work Superman!

  5. Thanks for the update!!! OF course he is doing better than any other patient! He excels at everything he does. No pressure but....KEEP IT UP Bishop!
