Thursday, May 27, 2010

Quick Update

Things are going great.  Dad went in on Tuesday for some testing to see if everything has been healing as it is supposed to.  So far so good.  He is having some pain in the incision in his back (he has one on his upper back and one across his stomach) but that is usually what is bothering him and what usually is prompting the pain meds.  The doctors biopsied all the esophagus and lymph nodes they took out during surgery.  They could see no cancer though one lymph node did have active cells which would categorize him as N1 (not a cancer stage... they won't probably ever claim "cancer free" but he is as close as they could hope anyone to be at this point).  The doctors didn't seem too worried about his as they took out all lymph nodes that they thought would possibly be infected so we're hopeful that this was the only one.

This particular cancer has a really high chance of either recurrence in the same area or somewhere else in the body.  Clear scans for 2 years is the biggest hurdle, 5 years is amazing and longer than that is the goal!  While this cancer does have a high chance of recurrence, judging how amazing Dad has done thus far, there is a high chance he will be in the percentage that never has it come back.  The doctors were incredibly impressed with Dad and his results so that certainly says a lot.

Right now Dad is enjoying a diet of liquids, soups and ding dongs.  I am not sure why ding dongs, but we all have our own cravings right?  So far so good.  He will still be being fed through the feeding tube but hopes to have that tapered off within the next 2-6 weeks.  The amount of time and amount of food he will be fed through it will decrease as he is able to eat more.  The good news is that he actually gained a little wait post surgery which is WONDERFUL... but I think he is still looking scrawny.... we'll get him bulked back up in no time!

Dad has been getting out each day.  He is supposed to do a lot of walking and he is also getting a little restless at home so the outings are helpful.  My mom says he is like a newborn, awake for a couple hours, sleeps for four hours, awake for a couple hours, sleeps for fours hours.

This weekend company comes into town (my dad's brother and his wife), my parents get their new bed delivered and our neighborhood pool opens!  Ok, that last one is the highlight of our little home's weekend but doesn't have anything to do with dad.  I doubt he will be going in the pool for quite awhile.  

Sorry for the lack of pictures... I'll get on that.


  1. Thanks for the great update, Erin!

    Cousin Jim

  2. I'm so glad that he's doing so well. Keep up the good work, Bish -- I think "Bishop" McArthur is ready for you to come back.
