Thursday, February 4, 2010

Before I get this thing started...

Before I get this thing started, I wanted to say a few things...

First off, I have an amazing dad. Simply the best. He is my only dad so technically he is both my favorite and least favorite, but I also know a lot of other dads out there and know that he definitely ranks pretty darn high. I feel that all of us kids are extremely close to our parents, but as I am the one writing on this blog, you will mostly hear of my perspectives. I have an older sister (29) who lives in Dallas, then there is me (27) who lives just a couple miles from my parents' house, a brother (22) who is attending BYUI in Rexburg and another brother (20) who is attending UTSA in San Antonio. All of us will be affected differently from our dad's medical challenge, but we are certain this will make our family even stronger, happier and more appreciative of one another in the long run.

Second, it would be impossible to keep everyone in the loop as to what is going on with Dad and all of the information we are getting about his medical situation. As a family, we decided that writing a blog would be a great way to get the information out there to everyone we love and keep everyone updated. In doing this, we want to respect our family's privacy and therefore will never include our last name in our blog and we would ask the same of all of you when referring to Dad (Bill) in your own Internet writings. While this 'Blog-thing' is connected to him right now, we certainly don't intend for him to have to be connected to it forever.

Lastly, we love and enjoy your thoughts and prayers. We realize that everyone knows someone else with cancer and finds it helpful to make connections between our dad and the person that they know, we love hearing encouraging words from all of you and they really do help us out.

It is my prayer that I will be able to continue keeping this blog and be able to write it and convey what I should in a respectful and informative way.

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