Friday, February 5, 2010

Dad got himself a TATTOO!!!

That's right, my dad is all tatted up now. Never thought my dad would get a tattoo (thought for sure I would have gotten one myself and him already making me get it removed before this would happen), but alas the day has come. Dad's got himself some serious ink.

Alright, it isn't as cool as I am making it sound or as middle-life crisis driven either... The 'tattoo' marks areas that will help the radiation machines pinpoint or triangulate the area for precise radiation therapy. I know, it really did sound a lot cooler before you knew what it really was, huh?

Still I think Dad is happy to be able to watch the surprise on people's faces as he reports about his new tattoo.... though I plan on calling it forever his 'tramp stamp'.


  1. When I got my tattoos (for radiation too) I told everyone if you held a magnifying glass up to them you could see the word "Mom" on one and a rose on the other!
    God Bless You ALL & keep your spirits high, state of mind if a HUGE part of the healing process!
    love from your favorite neice and cousin, Wendy

  2. I can hear the youth now..."But Mom, the Bishop has a tattoo!!! Why can't I???" Tee Hee! =) Your Dad is awesome to have such fun with his new Tat!
