Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I think my dad is pregnant

As you all know, chemo/rad started last week.  Fanny pack has been acquired, drugs are being pumped and now we just kind of sit around and wait for it all to work.  Dad has been busy doing what he does... work, church stuff, being our dad, etc.

I was curious as to how he felt so I asked him and he said, "Oh Eri I'm fine.  I guess I am feeling nauseous a lot and pretty tired here and there, but really it's nothing worse than I expected".

To which I responded, "sounds like how I feel when I'm pregnant.  Is that how you feel when you're pregnant?" 

"Well, Er, I've never been pregnant before but I'm sure it's the same thing".

I knew it.  Having poison pumped through your system really is about the same as having a baby inside you.... no wonder I find it so miserable!  But, thankfully, after I'm pregnant, I realize the result of that pain and discomfort is worth it and so much better when it's over.  Even if it isn't exactly like pregnancy, I'm thinking it all is worth it and we will all be better when it's over.

And so far, I haven't notice the extreme mood swings from my dad that usually accompany my pregnancies but if I am calculating the treatment time correctly, we are still in the first trimester.

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