Saturday, March 20, 2010

Chemo is OVER!

It has come to my attention... thanks to my aunts... that while most have enjoyed the added pictures to the blog, some of you might actually be wondering how DAD is doing.  Well, he is doing great!!  Chemo is over, port is out and he is finally free of the fanny--both pack and booty.  There really wasn't much to say about it.  It's kind of been the 'same old, same old' with getting chemo, feeling lowsy and feeling really tired.  

Yesterday the doctors took the pack back for the last time--I was saddened that he didn't get to keep it but apparently it is specially designed for a certain pump and wouldn't be good for much else.  They also took out the central line.  This was causing Dad some discomfort as it went up his arm, he could feel it right by his throat (which made eating even more uncomfortable) and down his chest.  There is something about having a foreign object in you that your body just doesn't like.  The port area was especially uncomfortable because he had broken out in some sort of a rash due to the adhesive or adhesive ointment that they used.  

Dad has certainly lost some weight since this whole thing began and before he started chemo he was feeling like his pounds lost were pretty ideal.  However, with chemo and feeling nauseous and not keeping too much food down, he did lose more.  He's mostly frustrated by his muscle loss.  Sooo....

So here is the plan.  After a couple more days of radiation Dad plans to hit the gym.  Hopefully this works out.  Like all of us, we all plan to hit the gym and pay the ridiculous gym prices to attain bodies like greek gods, but it sadly never comes to fruition.  But, he should be able to gain back some muscle tone.   This will help his body be stronger for surgery which is scheduled for May 13th.

Dad also hopes to gain back some L-Bs (pounds) by being able to eat more.  As of yesterday and today, he has been able to eat quite a bit more already and that is still with some left over chemo working its way through his system and radiation still going on.  So, this is looking very promising.

Also, the parents are each planning a mini trip here and there.  I'm glad that they will be able to get away for a little time.  I'm on dog duty--as always-- so I am going nowhere... just so you know.

As I mentioned before, surgery is schedule for mid May.  When they went over their appointments at MD Anderson, they looked the months over and have absolutely ZERO appointments in April!!  That is so awesome.  Perhaps a little normalcy.  That will be oh so nice.  This will also include a slow in blogging unless I decide to post how proud I am that I am beating my dad at racquetball... it doesn't happen often so I may have to take advantage of this post chemo/radiation while I can.  Yes, I am totally one of those people that will relish in my win even though I am beating some 52-year-old with cancer. 

I am anxious to see how Dad will feel after radiation.  When that finishes up, I will have to post about how he is feeling.  Since he has done the chemo and radiation together it's been hard to distinguish what side effects are from which treatment.  We are almost done with this part of treatment!!


  1. Bishop McP--congratulations on hammerin' through! I am truly impressed. We'll be praying for you to get strong and healthy for the next step.

  2. Glad for your updates! Let's build those muscles!! (That goes for all of us, right!?)
