Monday, March 8, 2010

Weeding Service from last week

A couple of weeks ago my mom mentioned to me that she didn't know when she would be able to weed her backyard before her mulch would be delivered the next weekend.  I could tell she was a little stressed out about it and the weather wasn't cooperating on the days that she could actually get out there and work on it.  Now, I have assigned the myself the job of ensuring my mom not freak out over anything that she doesn't need to freak out over.  Please, I prefer to be referred to as the "Freak Out Negator".

On Monday, while in a meeting, the topic of service came up and I mentioned that it would be a big help if some people came and helped out weeding my parents' yard.  I am constantly asked what my parents need and this was the first time that I could actually think of something that people could do to help out.  --- As a side note, I really love weeding.  It stems from my own yard and the millions of weeds that we had when we moved in.  They were weeds that were stuck in solid dirt and were hard to get up.  So, whenever there are weeds that need picking, I really love to do it because I find picking weeds and actually getting all the roots up is actually quite therapeutic... don't think I am weird, other people think so too, I'm sure---.

My parents fought this service.  Mom especially.  I mean, how many lessons do we get at church about the blessings of service.. both giving and receiving?  Um, like 5 billion!  Still, I think we all struggle to allow others to give us service and my parents are no different.  Finally, after a stern, "Don't fight us on this, we're doing it" sort of an email, my parents conceded and allowed people to come help weed their yard. 

Last Saturday, a group of us came over to my parents' house to weed.  Of course, we were greeted with breakfast burritos and cinnamon rolls from my parentals... they can't help themselves but make everything fun and entertaining.  I personally enjoyed spending the morning doing this service and I heard from several other friends that they also enjoyed helping out.  More so, I can see how relieved my mom is about having this work done and not having to stress out about it.  It's one less thing that she has to worry about.   And that's why we do service for one another.  Maybe each of our problems is not the worst problem ever, but sometimes we just need a helping hand and to worry about one less thing and sometimes we need to receive the blessings of serving each other.


  1. BREAKFAST BURRITOS AND CINNAMON ROLLS?!?! Why wasn't I told about this service project?!?! :)

  2. Receiving service is a hard lesson to learn, but I'm glad they're "giving in". :)
    I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds by sharing something I found today on the internet while searching for something to calm my very colic-y baby. I found this on the website and this is what it said about the product at the bottom of the page:
    "We have received positive feedback from our customers that adults suffering with Irritable Bowel Syndrome or the side effects of Chemotherapy are successfully using Colic-Ease to help relieve symptoms including stomach upset, bloating, gas and nausea. These customers felt that Colic-Ease was a natural alternative that was extremely effective. If you are interested in using Colic-Ease for one of these conditions, simply print out the information about Colic-Ease (found on the Ingredients Page) and bring it to your physician or pharmacist. The recommended adult dose is 4 tablespoons."
    Anyway, take it or leave it. Just thought I'd share. We are continuing to pray for all of you. Hang in there!

  3. God bless those weeders! Y'all McPs are good good folks. Leave it to your parents to offer service while they are receiving service. Please give them both a big hug from me.

  4. What an awesome Family....proud to be part of it! Wish we lived closer so we could help too~!
