Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Please take the poll!

We are on cloud nine today after such positive news from yesterday's MDA visit.  With any sort of illness it is important to really celebrate the good news!!!  Anyway, when I first told my daughter about how Papa was sick and he would have to take medicine for a long time, I told her that he would probably lose his hair and even his eyebrows!  She thought that was hilarious.  Of course, this was before we knew what chemo meds he would be taking and whether or not they were the variety that would have him losing his hair or not.

So, please take our poll over there on the left sidebar!


  1. Congratulations on all the wonderful news! i just read a good ensign article all about gratitude and you McPhersons have mastered it! Love y'alls postive attitudes.

  2. Shipmate...Well, what can I say, sorry to hear about you're illness, but glad to see that as will all else you've kept that all important sense of humor (although I'm really surprised that Nuc's actually have a sense of humor, even retarded ones..LOL) How long have you been receiving treatment, and what's your prognosis? Are you in the hospital? Any thing this old warhorse can do for you? Drop a line when you can and best to family...Get well soon, Shipmate...As ever...Your Humble (okay, maybe not so humble) Servant...Doc

  3. I think you need some new poll options:
    Hair today, gone tomorrow
    Hair, you go again
    Hair or not hair, who cares?

  4. My question is not will he loose his hair or if we think he's lost it and it's coming back in. The question dad should be asking is HOW MUCH of his hair does he think he'll get back?

    Always glad to hear the good news. Can't wait to see you all. Love, your #1 daughter!!! (You know...the one that doesn't publicly humiliate you) :) :)

  5. should there be a third option on the poll, it should go:

    (1)Hair thinning
    (2)Hair growing back
    (3)Wasnt he already bald in the first place?

    hahahaha love ya dad

  6. definitely growing back. i can see those little sprouts on top that i swear were not there last time i saw you. P.S. you need a haircut!

  7. Well Uncle, I hope for your sake that you do not have any hair growing back. After all the fuss Auntie Mo made about paying for parking, she may make you get a second job when you are done kicking this things butt to pay for the extra shampoo and conditioner that would then be needed! Keep it smooth...it's worked so far.

  8. Y'all are crackin' me up. Laughter is the best medicine.

    And I vote for thick, lustrous locks a la Fabio. You know that would be so stylin' Bishop McP!

  9. Wouldn't you have to have had hair in order for it to "grow back"??? Besides, we are used to your dome top, wouldn't recognize any other way!!! love, Wendy
