Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Countdown to the end of chemo!!! 5 days left

Since this is the last week of chemo- hoo rah!- I've decided to post pictures of my dad from the past in celebration.  Radiation lasts for an extra few days after chemo, but chemo is gross stuff.  It has made Dad feel like crap so I am happy to celebrate the end of this part of treatment with photos...
An oldie but a goody!  I'd say we are looking at a picture circa 1959.  My dad is the youngest boy in the picture along with his older brothers and their dad. I've picked this picture to share for several reasons: 
  • 1- It not only will prove to embarrass my dad but my uncles as well, so it has triple effectiveness.  
  • 2- Before 2 years ago, I literally had never seen a picture of my dad under the age of 16.  I don't understand why this is, but up until this point I never believed my dad was a child.  To me, he was born my dad.  Now I have proof that he existed and grew up like the rest of us.
  • 3- It's in black and white folks.  He's THAT old.
  • 4- Also, look at that swimming pool!?!  For real, there is no way those three boys and their dad fit into that pool sitting down.  It makes me think about the size of that pool, the quality of it but more so about those swimmers.  No, not just the swimmers, but those swimsuits!!  (I'm chuckling about those suits right this second)
  • 5-Because it has my grandpa in it.  I never knew my grandpa Mc very well as he died when I was 8, but I get to hear stories about him a lot.  When I think of the person I am, I think that I am very much who I am because of my parents, which in turns makes me think that my dad is probably a good portion of who he is because of my grandpa. 


  1. While I laughed till tears rolled down at the old photos, Erin I am wondering why you didn't ask what your dad was doing in that photo with the swimsuits! Sad but true, I remember when your parents were that young, and believe me they were much more nauseating back then. Love Ya

  2. This is just priceless!

  3. This is a great photo! I'm laughing at the swimsuits too. Just don't you dare EVER post a photo of me in my swimsuit on the internet. EVER
