Sunday, March 28, 2010

Radiation is OVER!!!

 Well friends and family, radiation is over!!! Yee haw!  Dad finished up his last proton therapy treatment on Thursday (sorry I am just now posting, but I do have a life... yeah, it's true).  I nagged my parents enough that they actually brought the camera and took pictures on the last day.  So, for your enjoyment, these are the pictures from the last day of Bill's radiation.

 This is the fancy certificate Dad got for finishing up radiation.  I don't really think of radiation as some sort of exciting celebration but I suppose the completion of a treatment that intrudes on your daily life so much is certainly something to celebrate.  Dad had to go for radiation treatments every day Monday through Friday.  The treatment itself only takes about ten minutes but it is a big chunk out of his day as he has to drive all the way down to MD Anderson and back plus whatever lines he has to wait in beforehand.  Some have asked why he has to go down to the main MD Anderson for the radiation and it is because of the specific type of treatment he was getting (proton therapy).  Plus, it's the best center for it and when you have cancer, you want the best.

 Billy boy ringing the gong!  Looks like he is being kind of timid as he is hitting it.  If it were me, I would be all into it.  I would use large gestures, putting my whole body into it and slam that gong so hard that the people in the next building over would hear it.  But, that's me and that's why my children are sure to become incredibly embarrassed of me.  Soon.
 Here is the radiation "team".  Apparently the radiation team consists of several girls in their 20's... must be part of the healing process.  Ha!  Seriously though, we are grateful to these ladies and the incredibly knowledgeable docs who picked, what we believe to be, the correct course of treatment.

These next two pictures are of my dad falling asleep while waiting....
 In the email my mom sent with these pictures she said she wasn't sure if I would want to include these... what is she talking about?  OF COURSE I DO!  Though I am slightly disappointed that we can't see drool coming out his mouth or that he didn't fall off that chair, but I am just one of those people who thinks that would have been funny.  It was nice to see these pictures as I was curious as to what the rooms looked like.  However, they are the same doctors waiting rooms that I have to wait in.  You'd think with all the money doctors are making these days that they would come up with some happier wall colors. 
Since radiation has been done....  Dad has been so happy.  He has snapped out of his "cancer 'tude" as mom and I have called it... it was just him being tired and uncomfortable all the time and being short with us.  He probably wouldn't agree but we are glad it has passed.  He can eat!!  It's coming back slowly, he hasn't eaten a whole cow yet or anything but it's coming back.  At church today he actually said he was hungry.  I haven't heard that in a long time so that was a most excellent sign.

In Dad's quest to "GET BUFF", he has been going to the gym.  He went last week for the first time in awhile and attended a barbell strength class.  My mom and I go to that class often in our own efforts to get lean and mean, but dad had never been.  Mom took him and his scrawny little self (he has lost some serious muscle mass.  I had never seen his legs that small.  Sadly, I think they were smaller than mine.  I told Dad that it looks like his head on my Uncle Rob's body).  Anyway, he lasted about fifteen minutes before he left the class.  His endurance just isn't really up there yet.  He'll get there though.  I think that for the first time back he did alright.  There was a guy who was teaching the class and I guess he gave dad a couple head nods of encouragement before Dad walked out.  I told Dad he should start wearing a shirt that says, "I have cancer so everything I can do is amazing".  I might have to find that instructor and tell him myself.. you know, defend my dad's manhood or something. :)  I keep telling him that if I had cancer, I would play it up as much as possible.  I wouldn't be able to do anything for myself as I would just use cancer as my excuse.  I'm a lot lazier than him though.

I am questioning whether or not to report the following as it embarrasses my mom and I quite a bit but I suppose for the sake of revealing how my dad is doing, I ought to share.  Yesterday my mom, my dad and myself went to the gym to play racquetball.  Mom and I play at least once a week together so we hold our own.  Well, the very first game dad spanked us.  I mean, by quite a bit.  We thought surely he would sit the next game out to recuperate, but he said he was good to go.  Second game, I won, but BARELY.  I was at game point for almost a half hour.  Finally I think I wore Dad down to the point where he was just out of gas.

I think that's what's going to happen... Slowly he will start building up that strength and endurance and then hopefully he will be as close to 100% as we can get him before surgery.  Even though mom and I were embarrassed that 'cancer boy' beat us... we sure were having fun playing racquetball with Dad again.  And now we will actually start playing and stop letting him win!!!


  1. Congratulations on successfully completing your radiation! What a wonderful post--I continue to be impressed with your faith, courage, and cheerfulness in adversity. Excellent work Bishop McP!

  2. Bill,I celebrate your ringing the gong, and wish you continued appetite and good health as you "buff" out at the gym.
    I wrote a couple of lines about you in our ProtonPals newsletter and linked to Erin's loving blog.
    So far out newsletter is primarily about prostate cancer.
    Joe Landry

  3. Congratulations - we're not sure what proton therapy is, but it certainly sounds like something that might result in a super power (besides perfecting the nap).

    We pray for you regulary and admire the courage you show. We love you and are here for you.

    Scott, Joy and Grant Schaerrer
